New Orleans
New Orleans

Buckle Bunny is here

OK so Rev It had the Q but I was pretty sure he had no idea that Douille put him on the list so I put a Weinke together just in case. Posted at the Virtual Flag – with 12 men and a FNG. Beautiful morning. A truly GLOOMY GLOOM. …

610 Stomp #79

With the threat of the Great Flood of 2017 looming, seven men got out of bed knowing it was going to be a beatdown. In preparation of the Tough Mudder, we headed to the track: -one lap (1/4 mile) -10 x burpees -one lap -20 x merkins -one lap -30 …

Welcome to The Uptowner

After laying the guilt trip on Yankee, I got him to finally post at The Uptowner.  As lagniappe, he brought a flag.  YHC had a goal to meet so I told everyone to pick their rocks, a big one and a bigger one, as they rolled in.  The bigger one …

El Wire’s Revenge Q

A chilly Feb pre-Mardi Gras AM. With 13 PAX circled up and waiting for the joy that El Wire would bring us. We started with a long MOSEY to the soccer field in front of the ZOO. About halfway there – Nip/Tuck had to bail bc he wasn’t feeling well. …

Levee Work

“It’s hard work getting there, but the view is much better at the top” – a wise man Five men gathered and stood aimlessly in the grass  #VSF.  Walleye was scheduled for the Q, but organized a replacement yesterday at The Foundry due to a scheduling conflict.  YHC stepped up to handle, …

NEW-Lafitte’s Plunge

Four brave men showed up to grow and improve themselves as better swimmers and athletes. Start with a 500 yard swim. Next is 200 yard with kick board. Then freestyle to finish the 45 minutes. Da Parish posted 5 workouts in a row at Water World and changed the name …

“Extreme Couponing”

The PAX gathered at the trailhead on a much colder than expected morning. The thang started with a warmup at the trailhead with ssh, iw, mountain climbers, hillbillies, and arm circles all 15x in cadence. Afterwards YHC supplied everyone in the pax with their very own coupon with which we …