New Orleans
New Orleans

Physical Fitness Test

We got a hot tip from OBT that Cadre Danny likes to use a Physical Fitness Test during his GRTs.  The test is 100 burpees, 1 mile run, 50 burpees, and a 1 mile run.  OBT said the time hack was 32 minutes one time and 36 another (there were …


Lo Siento as this BB is way late. I went to summer school between my Junior and Senior years of high school.  One thing I remember from it is that triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13.  It was also the name of a card game we played between classes, …

Just Blimps

Sixteen Nola pax showed up Friday to tackle the mountain.  We took off at 05:30 after a brief disclaimer and went straight to WPM. Everybody partnered up for a variation on BLIMPS. Partner one ran/walked/crawled up the north stairs, across the top and back down, while partner two performed Burpees …

Birthday Redemption

  The clock struck 5:15 and again the familiar beginning of the LSU Pregame show rang out.  YHC stared at his shoes and thought, “It’s your birthday.  No one would mind a fartsack.   Uh oh, you signed up for a birthday Q.”   So with remorse for the decision YHC laced …

Foundry, Field and Four

Summertime humidity is definitely here.  Quite a change from last week, with delightful cool dry air.  Today, our faithful PAX are greeted by the heavy, damp summer New Orleans air.  YHC arrived early to show off his new bright green leprechaun socks (thanks to 2.0 returning from school for the …