New Orleans
New Orleans

Long Live the King

News Story on the Funeral of Elvis Presley “Values are like fingerprints. Nobody’s are the same, but you leave ’em all over everything you do.” –Elvis Presley 40 Years ago today, Elvis Aaron Presley, the King of Rock & Roll, was found dead in his Memphis home dubbed “Graceland”. Elvis, alongside his Mother Gladys, his father Vernon, …

610 bbQ

Six men gathered in the gloom this a.m. to head out on the 610 Stomp.  Taking a cue from Shorty’s beatdown last week, YHC decided to try something different, so disclaimer, then Indian Run to the festival grounds track Two minutes to stretch out, then Catch Me If you Can …

VQ at Rock City

Walking up the street towards the AO, YHC saw a mere four men in the gloom, and thought, “Cool, pretty easy for my VQ.”  But appearances can be deceiving.  The pax quickly multiplied, and by the time the disclaimer was given and we started to mosey towards the rock pile, YHC was leading a group …

Get On Up at the Uptowner

On Thursday, I received a text from Hawgcycle to pinch hit at the Uptowner since no one signed up.  I gladly obliged and thought of what I would do.  While talking with my M, she suggested we do 5 minutes of Get Ups instead of the 6 minutes of Mary.  That …

Lafitte’s Plunge

  YHC arrived at 5:30 am for the pre-workout and no one was there because the Thang was to start at 6 pm because of the time change.  Well, lo and behold, someone was opening up the facility and YHC was left alone to wait inside.  For future reference, the …

Friday Morning Burn

I had a nightmare about fartsacking this morning’s Q.  Luckily that didn’t happen, and we had a healthy 18 PAX out for a hot, muggy beatdown at Wolfpack Mountain.  We began with a quick mosey to the 1st floor of WPM for warmup: -20 x plank jacks -20 x SSH -20 …

The 300

Among the threat of weather, 3 dedicated pax made it out to the AO dependent upon the concrete umbrella. However typical LA sky q fartsacked again out of nowhere, *cough* chipper *cough* shorty, so things worked out for the best. Warm up -ssh x 20 -imperial walkers x 20 -windmills …