New Orleans
New Orleans

A Bunch of Asses

“The Borrower is Slave to the Lender” – Proverbs 22:7 YHC (Borrower) was in debt….3 beatdowns Q’d, and no backblast in sight for the NOLA Pax(Lender)…I mark it up to writer’s block.  Anyway, being a slave to the lender is no fun, and the best time to make a change is …

610 Stomp #107

The Thang Two missions: The Track – 10x Burpees, run a lap (sprint the 100m), 10x Jump Squats The Refinery – 10x Pullups, 20x Merkins Run between each destination when you complete your mission at that AO. Gathered the troops around the entrance of the track due to time, but …

The Treadmill

The Thang Mosey over to the great lawn.  Did some warmup stuff. Mosey to the end of the Great Lawn, and partner up. Animal Hunting:  Pax 1: Perform Animal movement until Pax 2 catches you. Pax 2: Perform Exercise at the start, then catch Pax 1. Round 1: Bear Crawl …

Let’s Get This Over With

The extra steamy gloom and lack of breeze on Wednesday at The Foundry made for an aura that screamed “let’s get this over with.”  Handful of regulars trickled in along with a kotter from Beans…t-claps!  Nothing too crazy in store, just a mix of old and new stuff.  Here’s what …

The World Celebrates

It’s been a little over two months since The World dominated the Gnarly Nutria.  Hoping to keep the memory alive, today seemed like a good day to remember and celebrate.   So at the ironically named Uptowner, three worldly men broke out in celebratory 3-6-3 exercises. There is one rule at …

Answering the Call

Shorty asked if anyone could cover his Q this week at Okwata, as he would be out of town.  YHC quickly answered the call and stepped up.  Late Wednesday, YHC issued a subliminal call to other Pax through Group Me, but who would answer the call? YHC arrived at least …