New Orleans
New Orleans

Ultimate Frisbee #2

YHC wanted to do another round of Ultimate Frisbee, but the only problem is that YHC doesn’t have a frisbee… but you can always count on the Pax to pull you through.  Thirteen Pax at the start, Sixteen Pax at the end…Tclaps to Two Yutes for the Frisbee; and Tclaps …

A Rough Day

A long anticipated cold front moved through the New Orleans area and YHC woke up to 69 degrees and light rain.  I had noticed it raining throughout the night and was excited about getting down and dirty at Rock City.  8 others joined me at our local flood reservoir.  I …

Dog poo landmine for the Q

Hey Guys – Good beatdown this AM.  Sad that I didn’t mention the Vegas shooting.  #prayforvegas  Now my thoughts and prayers go out to all of those people and their families. We started this rainy gloomy morning with a pre-planned weinke but once I saw 2 FNGs I decided to …

This is Bullshit

A sweet 16 slumped into the gloom this AM to ascend Wolfpack Mountain. After saying the words at the beginning that we’re always supposed to say… a quick mosey over to the front lawn of Tulane… Line up for SSH x 20 Bear Crawl to first oak tree Up on …


Yep, another morning at the pool.  Like Dori said, “Just keep swimming…” And for a special treat:  Yes, JV did have his speedo on under that comfy terrycloth rob.  Oh Joy!!!  Naturally, we were all jealous. The Thing:  Swim 100m for a warmup, then try to swim continuously shorter breaks.  …

Pikes Peak Downpainment

After driving for 2 days with my family from New Orleans to Colorado Springs, I was stiff as a board and feeling discouraged that I couldn’t add any workouts to my New Year’s Resolution.  I was lamenting the fact that I would be putting a big goose egg this week …

ISO Suck

Taking some advice from the Northshore’s Turbo regarding this months ISI Challenge, YHC sent out a mission today for 5 sets of 1 minute Al Gore and 1 minute Mission Impossible.  When Amnesty texted me this morning that the hammy was going to keep him from his scheduled Q, I …