New Orleans
New Orleans

Burpees for Breakfast

(no-show) Hawg inspired me to take the Q at The Uptowner for the very first time.  4 PAX joined me for an unseasonably warm and humid morning at the VSF.  Thanks, Tool, for joining me a few minutes early for some pre-Thang ISI work. The Thang: Burpees.  But first: SSH …

Cinco Stompo – #113

Twelve hours prior to post time for The Stomp, the Q list had an empty slot so YHC grabbed it as to avoid the “who’s on first?” routine in the gloom.  As our PAX grew to five, we were off in a mosey to get our usual Tuesday running fix.  …

Winter is Coming

YHC arrived at the AO a few minutes early. Was YHC the first to arrive today? Wait, who are the others huddled in their vehicles? Is it cold? No, not yet, but Winter is Coming. And who are the guys putting make up on? Since that is a question YHC …

And Then There Were Three

One of YHC’s favorite songs: from Genesis’ 1978 album And Then There Were Three.  Sure enough, as 5:30 arrived on the shores of Lake Pontchartrain – 3 PAX gathered for a workout. But today’s theme was not Genesis.  No, not today (but maybe a future workout).  Today YHC had something else …

Visiting the Birdcage

“Don’t worry about me. I joined to fight. If necessary, I shall die fighting. Those things which are precious are saved only by sacrifice.” – Band of Brothers, Stephen E. Ambrose 15 Pax strong in the chilly gloom at the Birdcage AO.  Let’s see what we did….but first, DISCLAIMER The Thang A …

Me again…

YHC has been on IR for the last 4 weeks or so and was glad to have the chance to Q. Due to the shoulder still being an issue the pax was informed there would be plenty of legs and abs. After the disclaimer we took off at 05:30 and …

Uptowner Stink BOMBS

YHC saw an opportunity to Q this non running AO and jumped on it, since jumping is allowed at the Uptowner.  Arriving 10 minutes early, YHC was alone.  At 5:25, YHC was still the lone Pax, but there was still plenty of time.  The clock hit 5:29 and genuine concern …

Spartacus Delayed

Spartacus Delayed…but not to be Denied…   Some of the pax, YHC included, were delayed getting to the AO due to a train.  The motivated pax, who were at the AO, took the initiative and began the Warm-up COP.  Us stragglers caught up and YHC took over the Q.   T-Claps to …