New Orleans
New Orleans

Día de la cucaracha muerta

Light crowd on a steamy Monday but the 12 PAX were up for the challenge. After the obligatory loop  around club parking lot, we headed for the water but an intense ladies kegel exercise class was occupying the space. No worries, a quick jump over the bandstand for the first …

Oh the Terror

This Q had me shaking in fear like night. I was not intending to Q this morning. I had made plans with Hawg to swap Qs. I would take his birdcage Q in early April, and he would take my Q in early June. I filled in admirably for him …

Stomp #146

YHC arrived at the 146th running of the 610 Stomp to find not one, but two Kotters!  Welcome back Stubhub and Milkman!  Hope you’re here to stay! YHC isn’t creative enough to do anything other than a run on a Tuesday, so instructions were given to run out for 20 …

Field of Dreams, and Rocks

Well, summer is clearly here. Humidity, damp air, and sweaty shirts will be the norm for the next 3-4 months. And that means we are left with baseball and golf for the remainder of the summer. So to celebrate the nation’s (past) past-time, we worked in a beat down on …

Pushing through

YHC hadn’t been to the Uptowner for almost three months–not since he banged up his right arm at the end of the Tough Mudder on St. Patty’s Day.  Walleye said it’d take two months or so to start to feel right again–he was right about the “or so” part.  But …

Bring Sally Up – again

Humidity is a reality right now.  The constant feeling of sticky sweat – and living in a dog’s mouth. We ran a loop by the golf course.  Then circled up at the bandstand in Audubon. SSH x 20, Imp Walker Squats x 20, Mtn Climbers x 20, Dead bugs x …

610 Stomping Grounds

7 PAX gathered around 2 flags, enjoying the bright morning skies.  “I need some shades” commented Da Parish. Wisner bridge remains closed off, though the walkways look like they are nearing completion.  Soon we’ll be able to add that route to the regular routes.  But instead, since Rudy wants some …