New Orleans
New Orleans

Have Bricks will Travel

After much Mumble chatter it was determined that the Westbank AO would probably be better served on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays.  YHC had  committed to Moist that ” if he built it I would come” to Q.  So I lived up to my commitment and made my way to the …

The Foundry 9/5/18

A nice traditional workout at the Foundry. A few pull-ups, a few laps, nothing special. The usual disclaimer and off we go. Mosey to the track for the warm up COP: SSH x 20 IC Peter Parkers x 20 IC Windmills x 10 IC Arm Circles, 10 forward, 10 backward …

Labor Day at Rock City

YHC is unable to do Mondays due to having to be at work early, where a 0630 meeting with the boss trumps F3. YHC once indicated that Rock City was out unless it was a vacation day or a Holiday. Someone was listening, and YHC ended up listed as the …

16 tons – and whadya get?

The PAX turnout was small for the Skinny. Standard disclaimer and we moseyed on the track toward the southeast end of the park. Exit toward Magazine and the Zoo entrance and circle up for warm up. In 1919 there were a number of significant labor strikes across the country including …

The Frac Sox

YHC was counting on a small attendance for this morning’s Uptowner after yesterday’s challenge. YHC was not ready to be the only Pax at 5:28am. He was preparing to jump up and down and carry a rock like a lone idiot in Pontiff Park. Thankfully FracSac saved the day, and …