New Orleans
New Orleans

Winter Is Icumin In

Well maybe not GofT winter, but I’ll take it.  So with a quick disclaimer from YHC, the PAX moseyed off to a new location (within a circle of palms at Loyola for a good echo) for the First Circle of Pain: SSHs 25xIC Imperial Walkers 25xIC Low slow squats 25xIC Squat pulses 15xIC …

Winter Is Coming to Okwata!

Okwata was angry, and it rose up beyond its borders to claim the space where F3 normally gathered. YHC indicated the Shovel Flag would be relocated to the corner of Canal and Lakeshore Drive, which brought on much mumblechatter through the Group Me feed. With a map supplied from Heisenberg, …

No counting before 6am.

Started with a jog a block uptown down St. Charles and back across the street, and circled up in front of Tulane… and then things went down hill. This was my second time Qing–and my first go at it was a year ago, so I probably should have prepared a …

Why Merkins Are Beneficial

Overall a good showing for yet a still humid fall NOLA morning.  We started promptly at 5:30 after the disclaimer for both my ability as a trainer and my lack of sleep… Warm up Abogotas or windmills — 15 very slow… PP – 15 MC -15 IW – 20 SSH-25 …

Oh! It’s a Murph Day???

A few brave souls showed up at the Foundry for a Murph. A few more showed up because they didn’t look at the schedule and know it was a Murph Day. 😉 Explained a Murph, Disclaimer and let’s mosey: -run 1 mile to the Foundry -100 pull-ups -200 merkins -300 …