New Orleans
NNeeww OOrrlleeaannss

War Eagle VQ

Pre-Thang: Over the last three months, YHC has quietly sat back an observed all that is F3. Trying to explain F3 to family and friends makes YHC sound like he joined a cult. “Yea, so me and a bunch of random guys I  don’t know show up early in the …

Foundry Murph…Modified

DISCLAIMER and let’s mosey….due to a couple pax on limited duty (including YHC), we modified the Murph and limited the running. It also helped the pax work on pullups. Mosey to Baby Foundry, OYO (On Your Own) four sets of 5 pullups, 10 merkins, 15 squats, then run around the …

First Q at the Mountain

YHC texted the planned QIC, Tinkles, last night requesting the Q for Wolfpack Mountain.  YHC was on the schedule prior to Halloween and was unable to fulfill his duties.  This seemed like a good make-up date.  Tinkles humbly obliged and the Downpainment was underway. W/U Mosey down the neutral ground to Walnut …

Partnering in the dark

6:30 am on the last day before Daylight Savings Time ends is, surprisingly at least to YHC, quite dark.  YHC had plans that included moseying through the forest over to the track – its been a while since we hit the track at the Mothership – but decided to improvise …

Red Badger Friday

Seven Pax gathered in the gloom of Friday, November 2nd for a beatdown in honor of Chief Petty Office Mark “Badger” Carter. On December 11, 2007, the Badger (the 5’5″ Carter received his nickname after besting a fellow Seal who was 6’5″ in a wrestling match) was killed while fighting …