New Orleans
New Orleans

Rise of the Q

El Wire couldn’t Q this AM – has been getting his butt kicked at work! So I decided to take the Q for him. I haven’t been taking the DAILY RED PILL the last few glooms. After some nudges from Tinkles and Angie’s List – I knew 4 misses were …

Spot Start at Popeye’s

Rev Sox is on the IL with shoulder inflammation so the team at Popeye’s turned to YHC for the spot start. Temps were in the mid 60s and the birds were out in full force. Warm-Up SSH x 25, Mountain Climbers x 26, Imperial Walkers x 20, Grass Grabbers x …

A Fill in Fartlekker

Rudy’s not allowed to Fartlek right now, so he needed a fill in for the 610 Stomp. YHC is an old Fartlekker so it was not a probably for me. I showed up at roughly 0529:40 and gave the disclaimer. It was a beautiful day for a run. Here’s how …


It was a beautiful Thursday morning on the lakefront last week. After a little chatter amongst the PAX, I issued the disclaimer and we mosey’d to the corner of lakefront drive / canal blvd. Once there we commenced with the warmup: side straddle hops – 20 imperial squat walkers – …

Becoming a cone-oisseur

YHC hasn’t been posting nearly as much as he should, and there may have been a chance for a fartsack this day as well, except that Mambi was on IR, and unable to Q his long awaited One Year Maniversary Epic Beatdown! When YHC was asked if he would take …