New Orleans
New Orleans

I don’t know what this is called, but….

I don’t know what this is called, but….

A great day for a VQ, relatively low humidity, nice breeze, and 3 partners in the un-gloom.

Opened with some variety, shoulder tag was fun, alternating side shuffles. Abe Vigoda and the Sprinkler got us warmed up. Mosey to the Gazebo with a bonus run around the perimeter.. Monkey humpers and Bat Wings to start. Trying to remember to lead a good cadence is always a challenge and not having a good bead on the official names of some exercises (hence the title). TClaps for the assistance of the PAX. Partner workouts Help a Brother up, BIg Boy Situps (modified), assisted single leg squats, various Parkour type jaunts, hanging leg lifts, partner sit ups rotating to touch elbows, Out of the pool, some other spontaneous static hold challenges. Mosey back to the flag for closing, intentions, announcements, BOM. Thank you all for supporting my VQ!


15 strong at The Stomp for a straightforward run for my VQ.   The exercise:  run 20 minutes out then 20 minutes in with 10 burpees at the halfway mark.   Following a quick explanation that consisted of the entirety of the previous paragraph and the obligatory disclaimer (for the record, I …

Waxing Angie’s List

Beautiful AM at the FLY. Started with a debate about the launch point for the beatdown. Riverview vs the Hill. For now the Hill wins but I see Angie’s point. The riverview is nice. We circled up. I allowed for quite a bit of Mumblechatter today because I really wanted …

The Birth of the Renaissance

Last week was technically supposed to be the official launch of the new Sunday AO, but Mother Nature prevented anyone beyond YHC from actually posting. With fair weather and high humidity, 6 men, including 1 FNG, met near NOMA to celebrate the actual official launch of the new AO. No …