New Orleans
New Orleans

Sweep the 2

22 Men gathered on a wet, dark morning to catch a quick run. The usual disclaimer was given, and to the best of my recollection, it was eloquent and concise this time. A first perhaps. Aside: Are you supposed to say “my name is so and so” in the disclaimer? …

610 Nutria?

In preparation for the Gnarly Nutria, Tsunami took to the run. After a brief warmup of Side-Straddle Hops it was 10 burpees at the St Charles entrance of Audubon park. From there we ran to the Magazine entrance where 10 pull-ups (or to failure) were performed. We ran back to …

Better Late Than Never

A little behind the times, apologies. Run and warm up at bandstand Side Straddle hop x 25 Arm Circles x 10 Backwards arm circles x 10 Peter Parker x 20 Parker Peter x 20 Run down alley to Track Jog/Sprint alternating between the running men to Row Bars @Bars: 4 …

Hello Ladies

“You guys make me so happy” – lady in the park “So many men and so little time” – lady at PJs “Go to the monkey bar, that’s where she stops….I’d pay to have her body slam me.” – Angie’s List urban dictionary – hello ladies what u say when …

The Eagle Has Landed

In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the first man on the moon, YHC tipped his hat in a couple of ways. Warm-Up: Side Straddle Hops 50xIC (welcome) Low Slow Squats 20xIC Grass Grabbers 20xIC (after a false start from a bunch of bad forms) Mountain Climbers 20xIC Parker Peters …

And the theme is…

YHC was excited to see the Renaissance continuing to thrive with 5 Pax posting. When Douille arrived he asked what the theme at the Renaissance was, which YHC did a poor job of explaining. You see, we don’t want to scare anyone away, but it is what it is…. 0600 …

Rooster wants in

I was about to go to bed on Tuesday night but I decided to check the Q in the AM and man was I disappointed to see that no one had signed up yet. So I took the Q and planned a run free beatdown in prep for the Gnarly …