Halfway to 70
Can’t think of a better way to spend the day after my birthday than getting sweaty with a bunch of dudes. I never thought I would feel better at 35 than I did at 25. I owe it all to F3 and all of you guys for giving me a …
Can’t think of a better way to spend the day after my birthday than getting sweaty with a bunch of dudes. I never thought I would feel better at 35 than I did at 25. I owe it all to F3 and all of you guys for giving me a …
Started with a short jog to the Tulane sign and circled up. 20XSSH 20XWindmills 20XArm Circles 20XReverse Arm Circles 20XPeter Parkers Ran back to the park and grabbed the sandbag that I stashed earlier. Started running on the track while doing something I like to call “no bag left behind”. …
What is also becoming typical on Tuesdays is the large PAX and participation we continue to see and grow through F3. This is despite even adding a Monday morning running workout. This is a good thing. The workout was very simple: 15 minutes out and back, traditional route via Bayou St John. …
It was a tough workout! But we worked together, motivated each other, and got through it!
QHC thought it was a joke when RY posted that QHC was to be Q at Popeye’s this morning. QHC had been there only twice, and pretty sure that at least once he got there only by accident. With a sly smile across Rev Sox’s face, no PAX was fessing …
PAX think that YHC doesn’t like to mosey. Well, they’re mostly right, because it sux. Anyway, you gotta keep the PAX on their game. So JV-style (not too extreme, nothing Mariah- or Bieber-like), today’s wet and soggy Birdcage includes moseying. I mean it’s wet out there; might as well enjoy …
21 PAX gathered for my first Okwata Q on a gloriously humid morning, although a slight breeze was present so it made for a much more tolerable beatdown. Since the grass on the levee is still well over a foot high and plenty saturated from all the rain we have …
5:25 and there was some light rumbling in the distance and a few drops of rain, but not enough to audible or change the plan of attack… at 5:30 a half-assed disclaimer was given and 13 of us were off, picking up a few stragglers and a loose pit bull …
Much like my kids summer work for school some things are just hard to get done and 1/2-assed when they do get done. Apologies to school teachers and thorough backblast authors. Warm-up: Not really sure anymore. Combination of jacks and maybe grass grabbers. Warm up 2.0: Jog-sprint combo through the …
In light of a new, one-day special AO (thanks Family Picnic!) at the Fly on a bright, muggy Saturday morning, YHC decided to bring some newish warm-up exercises to the table. What would the PAX think? We shall soon see… Mosey to soccer field for Warm-Up: Line up in straight …