New Orleans
New Orleans

With a little help from my friends

Mosey to the bandstand:Warm up. IC20x SSH’s20x windmills20x hillbillies20x mountain climbers The thang: Mosey to the light poles BLIMPSBurpeesLungesImperial walkersMerkinsPlank jacksSquatsInitially did 3x rinse and repeat with a little resistance from the group and added another round on for good measure I Love You Man helped with some FreddieMercs while …

Brick by Brick

DISCLAIMER YHC spent some extra time on the disclaimer this morning. Watch your six. Watch yourself. WARM UP Mosey the parking lot to the truck to distribute 2 bricks per PAX. PAX circled the lot and then to the front of the bandstand. 20 SSH IC, 20 Grassgrabbers IC, 10 …

Nothing Gold Can Stay…

So the time had finally come. The great scepter of Q had been passed to YHC, for the first time ever – with wise words from the Q’s before, and much great advice, pomp and circumstance; I had been called to lead and could not refuse. Humbly, I accepted. And …

What’s your function…

7 #HIM showed up at the Fly on an unusually nice, Summer Sunday morning for a Sweaty Bells workout.  YHC has been thinking a lot about functional fitness lately.  How can we bring more functional fitness to the PAX?  Well, the Kettle Bells provide a unique opportunity.  I’m thinking Farmer’s …

Holy Grove….on three!!

Wolfpack Mountan…First Wolfpack Q in a while. YHC intended to make it memorable with the goal of 5 “mountains” (in NOLA-below-sea-level parlance). If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain. WARMUP Standard disclaimer this morning plus a reminder to sweep the six for this running workout. The Pax then moseyed onto …

You Better Have Glaucoma

Conditions: 79 Degrees, 90% Humidity, Heat Index of 83 Lots of good grass at Okwata and a fair amount of smoking this morning. Warmup Mandatory mosey through Louisiana’s smallest registered body of water, the sidewalk puddle just east of the shovel flag. It was good to get the shoes wet …

Bring in the lefty

Over the weekend my fellow LVCC member, and unofficial F3 chauffeur, Screw Top was injured (not seriously) in a purely unavoidable pool incident in which he was emulating Odell Beckham Jr. Thankfully Kuch being the big man that he is volunteered to step up as replacement Q. Unfortunately it was …

O Boo Boo, Where Art Thou?

YHC arrived at Popeyes at 5:25am to spot the trucks of two of his favorite Pax members, Darkwing Duck and Tua. Sadly, those would be the only F3NOLA vehicles YHC would spot this morning for a sweaty Popeyes workout. About 2 months ago, YHC filled in the Q sheet with …