New Orleans
New Orleans

Fitdeck – from Heisenberg

On Saturday YHC learned the site Q, FracSack, would be down range on Sunday taking the M and 2.O to a concert by a band named BlackPink in Houston. Evidently, BlackPink is a South Korean girl group. I was pleased to be greeted by Hokie and Belloc. Belloc still under …

BALL BUSTER – from Fast Tax

Nine PAX braved the spooky gloom on All Hallows Eve and joined YHC at Rock City. Warmups were a sprinkle of typical moves with a few Fast Tax favorites: Grass Grabbers, SSHs, Manatee, Swan Dives, and everyone’s favorite – Crab Merkins. Sufficiently warmed, we picked out our medium to heavy …

2 Year Manniversary of F3 Thibodaux! A Brief History of F3 Down the Bayou – from Goose

The highly anticipated day had arrived. Costumes were donned, and the gloom was dark. So dark, in fact, that Paradox, fully decked out in unlicensed Jack Sparrow gear, did a full Helen Keller on an FNG, hands all over his face saying, “Goose, Goose is that you?” just because the …

Okwata DMD – from Fracsac

A cool Morning at Okwata, 57 degrees, slight wind. Perfect conditions! Q sheet was open at 8 pm, so YHC jumped on it. 7 Pax in attendance with YHC, Rudy, Kuch, Ya Mom an Dem, Glitterballz, Cracklin, and Saban. Flag planted, disclaimer given, then mosey to the fountain, carioca around …