Building Muscle to Back that Chatter
Building Muscle to Back that Chatter

Building Muscle to Back that Chatter

QIC:Side Effects
PAX:Out for Justice, Triple Shift, Duct Tape, Bubba, Reluctant Yankee, Walleye, Douille, Heisenberg, Eight Six, Savory, Bartman, Jingle Vader, Bongo, Quick Draw, Mathlete, Terabyte, Rudy, Snooky (FNG), Frack Sack, Tinkles, Bogey, Kimchi, Maverick, Hawgcycle

Welcomed by chants of “SIDE EFFECTS…SIDE EFFECTS!” YHC jogged into the waiting circle of the PAX giving high fives and fist bumps to the masses until the clock struck 4:45am on this not so gloomy Saturday in SE Louisiana. YHC would once again have the pleasure…nay, the honor to lead the NOLA PAX after a 4 month hiatus, but it wouldn’t quite go as dreamt. While driving the hour and 15 minutes to the Mothership, YHC once again worried that 4 months without the Creatine Q led to disastrous effects on the NOLA PAX, YHC could just picture a bunch of skinny Uptowners preparing for their next marathon. Welcomed by a few handshakes from F3 brothers, and introductions to yet unknown brothers, the disclaimer and then the mumble chatter rained down like a bunch of R. Kelly wanna-bes. Time to pack some muscle on… to back that chatter.

Mosey to the Great Lawn

Circle for 5 minutes of Plank-o-rama Straight Plank Alternating shoulder touches Left arm plank with right hand reaches Right arm plank with left hand reaches Peter Parker

YHC honored by kind words from Rudy on the creative start to the workout
YHC thanked Rudy for giving him the idea to perform repeated planking exercises to start a workout

Mosey to the Foundry

PAX Divided into three groups: 1) BLIMPS starting with 10 burpees 2) Max Dr. W’s, followed by Max LBCs, repeat 3) Rotation: 10 pull-ups (timer), parallel bar dips, superman, low rows or more pull-ups, bar kicks, planks, added pike derkins (feet on bench, 6 high, press straight up) on round 2

Rotate twice through the cycle
YHC again honored by Rudy and other PAX members for creativity and hard work planning the workout

Mosey to the museum steps

3 groups: 1) Wall sits 2) Ascending tooth fairy merkins 3) Dying cockroaches
Rotate once through each

Mosey toward the Flag

Pause for time on the ledge for:
Dips (IC) x 20
Incline Merkins (IC) x 15
Dips (IC) x 18 (YHC actually correctly executed the proper Q pre-exercise etiquette thanks to Boogey’s and Hawg’s mumble chatter reminders of my subpar Q’ing skills – so much forgotten in 4 months it’s sad)

Finish Mosey to the Flag

COT 1 FNG nicknamed: Snooky, that’s what hanging around with Rudy will get you! Announcements
Shout-outs: Walleyes family member recovering from colon cancer
Unnamed special intentions from KimChi
YHC’s sister-in-law getting married

YHC’s next Q scheduled for 4/23 in Philadelphia, all PAX welcome to attend, coordinate travel with Hawg and leave the mumble chatter at home or be prepared to back it up

Miss and love you brothers!

Thanks for representing The Hood!

One comment

  1. Hawgcycle

    You forgot to mention all the time we spent hanging out by the water fountain.

    Great Q and great backblast. I litrally laughed out loud. But then you did have 4 months to prepare for both. So with that in mind, maybe neither were all that great.

    Looking forward to our 4/23 beatdown.

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