YHC and the Pax started with our count off, namerama and COT. Hawgcycle still only had one of his UFO lights working on his back tire and were looking forward to both wheels lit. We headed west toward Kenner and we warmed up at a moderate pace until we got past the Causeway bridge. From there we ran a paceline all the way to the Treasure Chest. When it was Hawgcycle’s turn, he exploded to the front on his hybrid bike and baggy shorts. The Pax with road bikes were impressed! When it was our turn, the road bikes took off and then planked up at the Treasure chest but Bongo was nowhere to be seen. Hawgcycle became the six and then turned around to catch up with Bongo. Torq, Woz and YHC went all the way to the sea wall then turned around. As the days are getting slightly longer, we are starting to see the beautiful sunrise as we head back. Another wonderful day at the Bucktown Coastie!