Brood of Vipers – from Akbar
Brood of Vipers – from Akbar

Brood of Vipers – from Akbar

PAX:Akbar, Hammer, Waterpick, Hogsbreath

4 braved the frigid 37 degrees this morning to start out their week right. We arrived to witness the leftovers of a Sunday birthday party, and the Marsh was trashier than usually this gloom. Waterpik said it best – “the best thing about having a birthday party here is you don’t have to clean up.”

6am – YHC, Hammer, and Waterpik started out with warm ups consisting of Windmills , SSH, Torso Twist Imperial Walkers, and… Hogsbreath pulls up speeding in Cowbell-like fashion to join us for Hillbillies

If you ever run out of ideas to Q, the Exicon (frequently perused by @Shooter) and other backblasts across the nation offer a wealth of pain. That was the case for YHC this weekend, spending way too much time reading what our brothers have been up to in the gloom. Also gives you ideas on new exercises you may not of heard of – like the Wojo Squat, Flock o Seagulls, or String Rippers.

QIC settled on a modified Brood of Vipers, from F3 Greenwood

Thang: Three round ladder, 5 sets, 3-4 exercises in each set, IC and OYO, recovery run in between rounds

All exercises Copperhead Style

Round 1 12 reps
Round 2 10 reps
Round 3 5 reps

1. Negative Pull Up (12 count down), Supine Row
2. Calf raises, Wojo Squat (slap the ground), Side Lunge
3. LBC, Hello Dolly, Heels to Heaven
4. Merkin, Irkin, Werkin
5. Freak Nasty, Cobra Merkin

Mary IC

Flutter kicks, E2k x 20, Stone Mountains x10

Count, Name, Hammer prayed us out.


Hogsbreath was rather witty this morning. When we got to the second round of Irkins, Hogsbreath said “you’re really Irkin me.” Also noting as the daylight started to set in, that “the brighter it got, the uglier you guys look.”

The term “looks good on paper” came to mind after set 4 & 5 in round 1, when YHC realized doing 3 tempo Merkin exercises x12 followed by 2×12 triceps was difficult to say the least. But we pushed through.

I got enough workouts from surfing backblasts for 5 weeks. 😉