Bringing It Home
Bringing It Home

Bringing It Home

PAX:Dundee, Einstein, Moby Dick, Shooter, Steve (QIC), Turbo Tax
“Baseball may be a religion full of magic, cosmic truth, and the fundamental ontological riddles of our time, but it’s also a job.”  Bull Durham
Same truth goes for F3 beatdowns.  And the job at hand this morning at The Gipper was pretty simple for YHC – gas the PAX and try out a few new things in the process.  Yes, that meant there were no Bulgarians this morning, but there were more than enough squats to satisfy anyone of Balkan descent …
Warm-Up:  SSH, Toe Touches, Good Mornings, IW’s, Mummy Kicks, Butt Kicks, all 20x, IC.
Thang:  Mosey to the School Board and circle up at the back memorial for a medley of merkins and squats, all 15x IC:
  • Wide-to-Narrow Merkins (killer)
  • Wide-to-Narrow Squats
  • Atomic Merkins
  • Sister Mary K’s
  • Shoulder Tap Merkins
Onward to the loooooong parking garage rooftop for a set of suicides, flutter kicks 20x IC, suicides, plank jacks 20x IC.
Next up, rooftop F3 baseball: 1st base LBC’s, 2nd base Parker Peters, 3rd base Freddie Mercs, and home base 15 burpees.  Rotate after home base completes their set of 15, bear crawling to the next base.  Completed once everyone has hit each base.  (After nearly skinning my face on the concrete, YHC offered a very, very late disclaimer.)
Finished up with Lt. Dan’s across the parking lot (1:4 ratio) and mosey back to the flag.  The PAX was out of time for Mary but, after a quick COT, put in a little extra by helping set-up the tables for the Covington Farmer’s Market.  Thanks guys, enjoyed leading today.


  1. TurboTax

    Great beatdown this morning, Steve. You did spare us the Bulgarian split squats, it’s true, but the PAX could not fail to notice the inclusion of another one of your signature exercises, the rooftop suicide run. Good stuff.

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