Bringing a Typical Uptown Beat-down to the Mothership
Bringing a Typical Uptown Beat-down to the Mothership

Bringing a Typical Uptown Beat-down to the Mothership

QIC:King Kong
PAX:Abacus, Calliope, False Alarm, Felipedes, Flo (FNG), FracSac, Gasper Goo (FNG), Green Screen, Jingle Vader, King Kong (QIC), Kuch, Mambi, Medulla Oblongata, Momma and Dem, Out For Justice, Quickdraw, Rudy, Tinkles, Tool, Triple Shift, Two Yutes, Walleye


Gabrielle originally had the Q for this Mothership.  He had asked if YHC could take the Q.  Although YHC has another Mothership Q scheduled on Dec 1st, YHC was more than happy to help a F3 brother out and lead another workout. 22 PAX managed to meet up on a beautiful, dry, cool Saturday morning.  At 6:30, YHC gave his standard disclaimer and off went the PAX.


Short mosey to the Peristyle and did the following in cadence:

SSHs x 20

Windmills x 10

Seal Claps x 15

Hill Billies x 20

Imperial Walkers x 20

MC x 20

Peter Parkers x 20

Then picked a partner and jogged across the street to the Great Lawn. Side hopped while facing the partner from one end of the field to the other.  5 burpees. Then side hopped back to the other direction facing the partner. 4 burpees. Rinse and repeat side hopped from one end to the other with decreasing count on burpees from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. When finished, moseyed with the partner to the fountain in front of NOMA and performed 10 box jumps. Planked and waited for the six.

The Thang (Chipper Workout)

Because YHC doesn’t see much of the PAX from Metairie and MidCity at Uptown AOs, YHC decided to bring a typical Birdcage / Skinny workout to the Metairie and MidCity folks. Starting off by the steps in front of NOMA, each Pax had to do the following:

Round 1

  • 50 Rocky Balboa (2 steps count as 1) in front of NOMA,
  • to the fountain with 50 dips
  • to the first light post with 5 burpees
  • to the 2nd light post with 50 Hello Dollies
  • to the 3rd light post with 5 Burpees
  • to the 4th light post with 50 squats
  • to the 5th light post with 5 burpees
  • to the 6th light post with 50 leg raises
  • to the 7th light post with 5 burpees
  • to the 8th light post with 50 King Kong shoulder taps.
  • Then moseyed back about a quarter mile to the steps in front of NOMA.  Rinse and repeat.

Round 2 – rinse and repeat but shaved off the reps for all exercises to 40 count and all burpees to 4 count.

Round 3 – rinse and repeat but shaved off another set of reps for all exercises to 30 count and all burpees to 3count.

Round 4 – rinse and repeat but shaved off another set of reps for all exercises to 20 count and all burpees to 2 count.

Round 5 – rinse and repeat but shaved off another set of reps for all exercises to 10 count and all burpees to 1 count.

Each lap is approximately 0.5 mile.  In total, the PAX toughed out 60 burpees and 150 reps on each exercise and little less than 2.5 miles.

While YHC was giving the instruction for the Thang, a lot of mumblechatter.  Triple Shift informed YHC with “that’s a lot of leg raises.”  The time was approximately 6:53 when the PAX started.  The goal was to finish all 5 rounds before 7:30.  YHC knew this would not be an easy challenge.

Respect to Jingle Vader setting the tone early and starting at a very fast pace. Not sure what happened, but Triple Shift was screaming at JV telling him to come back during the first round.  The PAX finished strong.  T-Claps to Triple Shift, Tinkles, Rudy, JV, and Two Yutes for finishing the beatdown before 7:30. YHC had to call off the challenge right at 7:30, but much respect to few PAX (Mambi, Walleye, Fracsac – I may be missing few names here) ignoring the Q’s request and finishing all 5 rounds regardless of the time.  YHC loved it because he would do the same.  Needless to say, moseyed back to the flags few minutes late at about 7:35. YHC got a sense that everyone really enjoyed the challenge.  This was YHC’s most satisfying Q when he saw the PAX not giving up and giving every thing they had. The PAX who gave YHC a hard time about the leg raises finished first. 3 PAX finishing within the time were over 50. Everyone who came out today got stronger. Mad respect. YHC has a feeling the PAX will see this challenge again.


Count-O-Rama 22PAX, Name-O-Rama, announcements, intentions. 2 FNGs (Flo and Gasper Goo) Our thoughts and prayers for I Love You Man’s niece, Hawgcycle’s mother and family, Two Yutes’ brother, Fracsac’s family, and safe travels for all family and friends during the Thanksgiving week.  Thank You all again for the opportunity to lead.  SYITG

King Kong