Bringin’ em Kids to Church – from Goose
Bringin’ em Kids to Church – from Goose

Bringin’ em Kids to Church – from Goose

PAX:Tighty Whitey, Elmer's, Picadilly, Paradiddle, Goose

For only the third ever beatdown in the Houma area, a record five PAX gathered, anticipatorily subdued, in the gloom on Tuesday morning on the top of the hill at Lumen Christi. It didn’t take long to get the mumblechatter going, though, once Paradiddle showed up in a fly tanktop in sub 60 degree weather. YHC sadly lamented all the tanktops his M talked him into tossing not long into marriage, and then commenced the warmup.
PAX: Tighty Whitey, Elmer’s, Picadilly, Paradiddle, Goose

Warmup: (all in cadence) 20 side straddle hops, 20 windmills, 10 arm circles (fore, then back), 15 cherry pickers, 20 self-love (Michael Phelps), and 20 Imperial Walkers.

Theme: Taking little ‘uns to church.

Thang 1: From the parking lot
Short mosey to the truck where official F3 coupons (stenciled cinder blocks) awaited. Partnered up to become married couples (or a throuple in one case) working to get the kids and their gear from the parking lot into the church.
Partner 1 farmer carried two coupons (baby carrier, diaper bag, what have you) while the other did five big boi situps (bigger kids tying shoes, falling down, etc.) before running to catch up and swapping with Partner 1. Once arriving at our destination on the other side of the lake, we realized we got the service time wrong and it was already 3/4 of the way over, so rinse and repeat back to the top of the hill (the next closest church), but this time dying cockroaches instead of situps (kids on the ground throwing tantrums).

Thang 2: Taking loud kids to the back, and forth
Down by Souby Hall, just outside the huge windows for all inside to watch (just like at church when you have to leave with a screaming child), PAX completed a set of 7’s. At one end, started with 6 flutter kicks (tantrum) before backward-lunge-walking (genuflecting to the altar) to the other side for 1 goblet squat (squat with coupon held under the chin, like trying to quiet a 30 pound baby with sharp, concrete corners). Then, lunge walk forward (genuflecting to the altar) and upon arrival, completed 5 flutters (next tantrum) and repeating with 2 goblet squats on the other end and so on until 1 flutter and 6 squats.

Thang 3: Sporadic Prayer
In the same area, PAX completed a Jack Webb. (In full transparency, YHC took some delight in what seemed to these newer PAX to be a quick, harmless ascending ladder of 1 merkin and 4 air presses starting at 1:4 and ending with 10:40. I mean, how heavy can air be?) It was like the age-old pattern of getting down and dealing with squirmy kids, and then standing and praising the Lord for a few seconds before needing to get low to quell more squirmage. Needless to say, air is very, very heavy, and praising the Lord takes some serious effort sometimes.

Thang 4: Back to the vehicle
Rinse and repeat Thang 1, but 10 Freddy Mercuries on the way out (2 is 1), and 5 burpees on the way back. Finished at exactly 45 minutes, grateful for the chance to finally put the kids (I mean coupons) down and go home to take off those darn high heels and put our feet up. It was hard, but it was worth it!

Thanks for joining, fellas, and for seeing the value in pushing hard on a Tuesday morning!
See You in the Gloom,