YHC was called in off the bench on this Scramble in hopes of filling big shoes.. While Teddy is holding his own in the Dome and on the road picking up 2 wins for our Saints.. YHC was trying to create some Scrambling moves of his own to bring the PAX to victory while starting day.. Sir Wacker a Veteran of the Scramble and Captain of many post took some much deserved rest this Gloom before partaking on a journey northern bound with Southshores Hawgcycle for a pacing adventure along his much anticipated 100 miler in Arkansas this weekend.. Good luck gentlemen and enjoy the journey.
All IC 10 Torso Twist, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Slow Squats, Scorpion kicks and SSH.
T-claps 👏🏻👏🏻 given to Zoolander for posting even though unable to make the run he still chose to hang back and work through a series of BLIMPS and bear crawls.. We all know the local Pele’ of the local indoor soccer club shall return. I tip my cap to your discipline and determination to still get out and post..
Four PAX set out with 3 Clydesdales holding back the 2 year old Colt known as “Cowbell” from racing out the gate.. He so graciously sacrificed and hung back with the PAX as we Moseyed a modest 9:30 pace through ole Mandeville..
Great job Akbar for completing the 5k without stopping, as I know just a few weeks ago this was not so, yet you keep posting and now you are a runner and soon to be a 10 Au Lait poster as well..
Upon return we completed a mini circuit 2x of Nolan Ryan’s, 5 Pull-ups, Freak nasties, leg ups and chest press holds (nice suggestion Chewy).
Count off, announced upcoming NOLA convergence and F2 on the 17th following a brief beatdown, COT included intentions for a special PAX who could not be with us today..
Thanks for following the backup this morning gentlemen 👊🏻👍🏻✌🏻 Till the next Gloom!!