Bongo 9th Manniversary – from Bongo
Bongo 9th Manniversary – from Bongo

Bongo 9th Manniversary – from Bongo

PAX:???, Bongo, Cheese Steak, Fracsac, High Rise, Maytag, Mr MC -- Tallahassee

What a good morning to celebrate 9 years with this great organization and establishment or F3. A number of PAX joined the celebration to the comforts of 60 degree weather with no rain but a bit overcast to hide the rewarding sunset of the morning. It was also great to mention we had a Mr MC going us from Tallahasse to experience a full lakefront beat down.

In any event, again this work out surrounded around by 9 years and longevity with F3 and of course the number 9, or multiples of Here we go:

Warm Up

SSH X 18
Grass Grabbers X 9
Arm circles X 9
Abe Vigota X 9
Mountain Climbers X 18

Taking a piece from Rudy Mothership workout, at base of Canal Blvd we will do the following:

(9) Burpees and then a running exercise up the levee. Repeat for a total of 9 times:

Running variations — forward run, backwards run, Carioci both sides , lunge walk, bear crawl half way, backwards run, high knees, forward run. We did all 9.

To the lakefront where a simulated box jump was performed but I skipped and used it for an intro to my box jump story splitting my chin at Museam of Art and…… finishing the work out as a Q. Always remember…

Then for for bench exercises:

Dips X 18
Steps ups X 9
Incline merkins X 9
Hello Dolly X 18
Flutter Kicks X 18

COT for all and a thanks for a great 9 years and hope for another 9, 18, 27 for the future!!

See you on the radio.
