Bleepin’ Progress! – from Goose
Bleepin’ Progress! – from Goose

Bleepin’ Progress! – from Goose

PAX:Cardinal, Goose, Picadilly, Elmer's

Four PAX made their mark in the swampy grass at Schriever Park this morning as the initial side straddle hops squished deep ruts around the flag. But, if YHC is gonna get up at 5am to go jump in the mud, I’m grateful it’s with these HIMs.

After a briefer warmup than normal, we moseyed to the mini Thunderdome to get really warm with a classic: “Baba O’Reilly” by the Who; Imperial Walkers for the duration in rhythm with the 5 minute song. That one doesn’t seem to get any easier.

Now that the legs were warm, we moseyed to the tennis courts for the continuation of the dreaded Bleep Test saga. This time the PAX was challenged to push for two more lengths than last week’s max out, and YHC promised we’d only do it once this time for maximum effort. It was Elmer’s first time, though his superhuman effort (despite PTSD from his middle school experience) really changed the dynamic and pushed Cardinal and YHC to do more than we probably would have otherwise. Nice work, Elmer’s!

Stayed on the tennis court for some figure 8’s. PAX started at one corner, and in a single file(ish) line, bear crawled and side shuffled a figure 8 pattern (up to the net, across, up to the opposite baseline, across, back to the net, across, back to the baseline, and across back to the start). Vertical lines were bear crawls, and horizontal lines were side shuffles for round 1, all facing forward, which meant it was crawl bears for the trips back toward the baseline. Round 2 was the same principal, but with crab walks, carioca, and walk crabs. Cardinal dominated, per usual, with all things crab walk, and an F3 Olympics was discussed as a way to showcase this natural dominance. (Research is being done into what anatomical anomaly gives him such an advantage, or whether performance enhancing drugs or genetic grafting with a crab are involved.)

Next, we finished with some Dora 123 utilizing the bleachers and the dry, spongy surface of the playground. While Partner 1 hammered away at 100 Big Boy Situps, 200 Leg Raises, and 300 LBC’s, Partner 2 ran to the bleachers and ran up and down them for the first set, 5 box jumps for the second set, and 5 derkins for the third set. We had to stop at 150 LBC’s for time and so that representatives from the Terrebonne Parish Parks and Rec Dept. didn’t come after us for the muddy rut we were digging between the playground and the bleachers.

Moseyed back to the flag for COT and prayer led by Elmer’s. Great appreciation for the brotherhood this morning and the willingness to truly take ownership of the common suffering.
