Bleacher Creatures  – from Mahatma
Bleacher Creatures – from Mahatma

Bleacher Creatures – from Mahatma

PAX:Bogey, Crack Spread, Hand Grenada, Mahatma, Mr Rodgers, Mr. Feeny, Mutt, Pinewood, Pool Boy, Royal Ralph, Rudy, Scantron, Triple Shift

YHC intro disclaimer ask Pax to truck to grab things and head to the track.

Mnt Man Pooper
Side Lung
ScanTrons X 2

Head to the goal line for Red Barchetta,
If you done one you know the drill
100 SSH
75 BBS
50 Merkins
25 Sqts Bogeys recommendation
10 Burpees

Handgranada out of exhaustion accused YHC of miss counting because he was so far ahead, so YHC returned to complete an additional set of merkins with him.

Main thing:

YHC’s mastermind of a complete beat down – 8 stations stretched to 9 PLUS a stadium sprint.

Round 1 15 reps at each station OR until a pax gets to your station. For the most part it worked BUT failure on the overhead / farmer carry exchanged on to the running. YHC asked for help to resolve this in Rnd 2. When stressed YHC often reverts to a military mindset and yells unflattering things and becomes focused on grinding through a task, lucky for him the Pax carried the load and finished with modifications when needed along with much mumble chatter to bust his balls.

Chest 45
Squat 45
Kettle bell 25
Side or Front raise 10s
Lunge 10s
Straight Curls 25
TriCep 25
Farmers carry blocks

Finished with Mary:
Toe touches
Crunchy Frog
X Factor

COT – gave thanks for blessings and asked for humility of service.