Blame Zoo – from Steve
Blame Zoo – from Steve

Blame Zoo – from Steve

PAX:Barely Legal, BBQ, Darkwing Duck, Einstein, Jose10k, Mobydick, Steve

That was the refrain of the day after YHC called out, “Let’s get started,” and was met with a collective groan. Look, YHC isn’t even in the top 3 of the toughest Northshore Q’s (think Grundy, Hammer, hell, even Pickaxe/Chainsaw could give me a run for my money). Also, just personal philosophy here, but YHC believes we don’t need to be gutting it out every day during the week. Sometimes a simple four corners with some merkins and squats will suffice. Especially in this heat.


There were burpees and Sister Mary’s to contend with if you happen to be a Spartaner participating in Zoo’s ISI challenge. And these gems (which otherwise would never have found their way into today’s beatdown, obviously) would unfortunately have to be passed along to the pax.

The usual warmorama saw a little excitement when BBQ dared to poke the bear during torso twists, saying, “Now THAT is how you count torso twists. Some guys – not naming names (ahem, Jose 10k), just rush through it.”

That was all it took – you could see the fire light in Jose’s eyes: “Oh, wait – hold up – you wanna talk cadence counting with me, BBQ?!?” The mocking began and eventually devolved into another gesture of self-love (not the warmorama kind) directed at BBQ. BBQ took his licks before YHC moved it along – nothing to see here.

20x burpees, OYO. (“Zoo’s fault, not mine.”)

Mosey over to the back of the Justice Center for some leg work:

Round 1:
20x squats
20x lunge pulse left leg (SMK’s if needed)
20x lunge pulse right leg (SMK’s if needed)
20x mountain climbers (2:1)

High knees run to the stairs, 5x calf raises up each step, mosey perimeter back to start.

10x burpees to reset round (Again, blame Zoo.)

Round 2:
20x alt leg lunges
20x monkey humpers IC (timed perfectly for a courthouse employee who made a very wide berth around us, though YHC had a hard time reading her side-eye of Moby, which seemed to be a mixture of lewd desire and also revulsion.)
20x Apollo Ohno’s
20x plank jacks

High knees, calf raises, back to start. 10x burpees

Round 3:
20x Bobby Hurley’s
20x star jumps
20x smurf jacks
20x Peter Parker’s

And more high knees, calf raises, burpees.

Amidst all the leg work we got to hear about Legal’s son’s pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago, all 700+ km of it over the course of 39 days. Apparently, it was “life changing.” But then again, Legal says that to his son, everything falls into one of three categories: awesome, incredible, life-changing. Ahh the sunny optimism of youth. There was none of that to be found here at the Gipper – sunny optimism or youth – as we listened to Moby grunting and muttering f-bombs (presumably directed at YHC).

Over to the benches for a quick set of 11’s: Freak Nasties, up to the top of the stairs, to merkins. Halfway thru we modified to Moby-style (no running), which was more brutal but helped with timing.

Back to the flag in time for a quick one minute plank (again, Zoo’s fault), and then COT where Einstein prayed us out, with thanks and healthy wishes for the Pax’s new grandchildren (congrats BBQ and Einstein!). As always, it was a pleasure to be amongst the fine (and refined) gentlemen of Covington – seriously, you guys are a great crew. Every time I make it out there, it motivates me to come more often.