Black Friday Gut Buster Queue
Black Friday Gut Buster Queue

Black Friday Gut Buster Queue

QIC:Sea Men
PAX:Saban, Duey, Nip Tuck, Bartman, Spool

The morning was dark with a crescent moon and Jupiter trailing in ascension. My belly was full with gallopavo, stuffing, and beer! Saban greeted me saying I wouldn’t have to Queue alone. As we arrived we thought we might have a Metairie workout, as no one else was at the Flag, or at least where the flag should be. According to legend Roots lost it during yesterday’s Turkey Trot. That is at least what I was told because Roots didn’t show up to defend his honor. As we walked up to the Post out of the gloom came Nip Tuck, Duey, Bartman, and Spool. OH YEA!!! We are going to have a beat down!!

Started with a warm up jog to Gibson Quad at Tulane. Asked if it was fast enough most said “It’s okay..but certainly faster than ‘The Metairie'”. We did a circle of side straddle hops, arm cirlces (fwd/bck), and mountain climbers. Asked if everyone was warmed up and limbered up and the reply came back “It’s okay..but certainly more limber than ‘The Metairie'”.

We moseyed over to the Navy Building for some Pull Ups and LBCs. Breaking up into 2 groups we did 30 P/Us as the count. After a quick repetition we hustled over to WolfPack Mountain, up to the 2nd deck. From there we would push each other to new heights! We started with a modified Jack Webb doing 5 mericans w/ 10 air presses. We lunged our way up the incline and jogged over to the next incline where we increased the Jack Webbs to 10/20 followed by more lunges up the incline. We repeated this going up to 20/40. For the final incline we thought it best to bear crawl up the last part of WolfPack mountain. When asked the queue if this was hard they said “It’s okay…but its harder than ‘The Metairie'”. So we circled up for something about Mary where we went from LBC’s, to Pickle Pounders, to LBTs, to PutTrumpins, back to Pickle Pounders, to flutter kicks, and Hello Dolly’s!

As the sun was rising we hustled down the stairs and over the the fountain benches by the post were we went through a series of Dips, Shoulder Slaps, and Kossak Dips. When asked if this was hard, the group said “Yea it was hard…too hard for ‘The Metairie'”!