Black Friday Beatdown
BBllaacckk FFrriiddaayy BBeeaattddoowwnn

Black Friday Beatdown

PAX:Jingle Vader, Duille, Bagasse, Rocky Top, Mulligan and Amnesty-YHC.

Five men gathered around the virtual shovel-flag, gave the Disclaimer and….one more joins us as we step off. Mosey straight to the Tulane sign for COP:
-SSH x 30 IC
-IW x 30 IC
-Arm Circles x 30 IC (15 each direction)
-Peter Parkers x 20 IC
Mosey to the Wolfpack Mountain and Indian Run to the top.
Time for some 11’s at the top most ramp. Run down and Merkins x 10 at the bottom of the ramp and LBCs x 1 at top of ramp. Continue until numbers reverse. TClaps to Rocky Top and Duille for lapping YHC…twice. Mosey down the mountain and head to the benches:
-Left Leg Step Ups x 20 IC
-Dips x 15 IC
-Right Leg Step Ups x 20 IC
Mosey to lawn in front of Touchdown Jesus for some Mary…
-LBC x 20 IC
-Hello Dolly x 20 IC
-Flutter Kicks x 20 IC
-J-Lo’s (fka Pickle Pounders) x 15 IC
-Superman hold and rest x 3
Mosey to the VSF

Announcements, Shout Out and time for Coffee. Busy day for the pax so JV and YHC headed for some coffee and F2.