warm muggy morning in the fly. six people joined me on my 46th birthday.
started out with light warm up leg stretches and windmills.
then 4 rounds of the following:
round 1
kettlebell windmills 6 ea side
goblet squats x23
rows 46 ea side
bear crawl over the hill and back
round 2
kb swing x46
chest press 46 ea side
figure 8 9 ea direction
lunge walked over hill
round 3
merkin with kb in one hand 9 ea side
side lunge 23 ea side
thrusters 9 ea side
walked over hill with kb held in one hand over head
round 4
renagade rows 9 ea side
deadlifts x46
plank pass 9 ea side
farmers carry around the hill with 4 sets of 5 burpees
next ring of fire 9 right shoulder presses as group planked then reversed and did 9 left shoulder presses as group planked
ring of fire again 9 right wood choppers as group al gored it up then reversed 9 left wood choppers with more al gore.
farmers carry around the hill with 4 sets of sit up to kb presses
23 flutter kicks then farmers carry over the hill then 23 more flutter kicks over head carry back over the hill
9 (2 as 1) kb russian twists farmers carry over the hill then 9 more russian twists
then 2 rounds of 23 curls and 23 merkins
2 more farmers carry laps around the hill
46 count mission impossible
started making up stuff toward the end thinking it was a 45 minute workout, so my apologizes for the off the cuff ending.
count off, name-o-rama, and prayer
thank you for letting me lead and joining me on my 46th birthday