Because Jose said I have to  – from Russo
Because Jose said I have to – from Russo

Because Jose said I have to – from Russo

PAX:Cowbell, Steve, Russo

In my former life as an auditor, excluding the requisite beauty and brains, one of the attributes we were told we should have was “professional skepticism”: the ability to question what you see or hear and find the truth. With just a little more thought, I bet I could now see where I became such a fan of conspiracy theories, although I’m not sure how I’m not a fan of the X-files.

In order to do that successfully, there were two separate but related directives that were pounded into our skulls: “Trust but verify” and “If it wasn’t documented, it wasn’t done.”

Jose lives by the latter. He upholds the standard we all begrudgingly accept, and so yes, he’s correct we should backblast away. I’m 25.5 hours beyond the COT for this beatdown, so that means in his eyes it’s “late”. But we’re on Northshore homeschool soccer parent time, where the idea of time and deadlines and schedules are a novel concept and not really a thing.

No weather report since that’s too generic, but it was “cold”. Not cold enough to keep Steve and Cowbell from joining, however, and I’m glad that they did.

Warmup 10x IC
Seal Jacks
Self Love
Torso twists
Imperial walkers
Arm circles

Mosey to the bridge, stopping at each block for 14 squats and 14 Merkins (not 15).

At the bridge, back and forth back and forth, stopping on each side.

Various traversements (it’s a word) included:
Mosey 2x
Side shuffle 2x
Carioca 2x
Back Pedal 2x
Skip 1x

Various exercises included, all core work,
10 of one of the following on each side
– Crunchy frogs and Leg raises 2x
– American hammers and gas pumps 2x
– Rosalitas and Hello Dolly’s 2x
– Penguins and LBCs 2x
– E2K and LMCs 1x

COT, with count, NOR, announcements and prayer to close us out.

Thanks to you for joining, reading, and keeping us all in order, Jose!