Baywatch and his annoying bearcrawls…ugh – from Baywatch
Baywatch and his annoying bearcrawls…ugh – from Baywatch

Baywatch and his annoying bearcrawls…ugh – from Baywatch

13 PAX joined yours truly on a fine, balmy December morn to get after it at the mother of all AOs…Mothership. It was a chattery bunch at first but that chatter soon turned to huffing and puffing. A disclaimer was given and we moseyed to the peristyle for the warmup:

1. Arm circles F/B 15 IC
2. SSH 30 IC
3. Monkey Merkins 15 IC
4. Imperial Walkers 20 IC
5. Hillbillies 20 IC
6. Peter Parkers 15 IC
7. Parker Peters 15 IC

Next came the fun. It’s not a true Baywatch Q without some bear crawls. So, we proceeded to the corner of the great lawn to begin. The thang:

1st corner: Dying Cockroaches 25 IC
Run to next corner
2nd corner: 25 leg raises IC
Bear crawl to next corner
3rd corner: 25 flutter kicks IC
Run to next corner
4th corner: 25 LBCs IC
Bear crawl back to start…oh what fun!

Next we headed over to the parking lot for some modified suicides. The 4 suicide markers were the handicap crosswalks (about 80-90 yards to the last crosswalk marker). We started at the baseline and crab walked to the first marker and returned. Do 5 burpees. Lungewalk to the second marker and back. Do 5 burpees. Hi knee skips to the third marker and back. Do 5 burpees. Finally, run to the end and back. Do 5 burpees.

Now that the group was less chatty, we did an Indian run over to the fountain in front of the art museum for some Aiken legs. No rest in between– 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Split Jacks (10 each leg forward). With that completed, we did an Indian run back to the peristyle to close it out with some ab work. We circled up and did 20 reps IC of penguins, slow wife pleasers, LBTs, and a 6-inches variation exercise by Fracsac that was quite unpleasant. With the clock striking 7:15, we headed back to the flag to close it out with a COT.