F3 New Orleans

Around DaHeartened by the enthusiastic showing of faithful HIM’s, YHC lead the PAX on a bisk mosey to the RockPile for Warmups SSH Imperial Walkers Side Lunge Stretch Arm Circles High Knees/ButtKickers MAIN THANG we toured the Metry Track, stopping at points of interest along the way. Start with med/large rocks #1 3 Sets 10 OHP 10 Curl 10 Row 10 SUMO Squat Leave Rocks as we found them #2 Mosey to the hill BearCrawl UP/Over 20 4ct SSH 4x Take a 30 ct while Hawg regailed us on the history of F3 in our region. #3 On stadium Seats Incline MErkins starting at 1, advance to next step 2, 3, etc all the way to the top Derkin 9,8,7 etc to the bottom 30 ct as Hawg continue to dig up treasured memories or the F3 Nola birth story. #4 At Playground 5 PULLUPS 10 L/R Step ups 3x Hawg continued …. #5 Under a shelter – using the tables On your back, legs over the edge, Low/High leg raises, 20ct People Chair on the poles, 30 sec ON the table, face down, rev leg lifts, 20 CT 3x And Hawg continued the story…. Mosey back to the flag for a short Turkish Getup lesson, then COT. Woild – from Kenna Brah

October2014 0