F3 New Orleans

– from Thumb War

1/24/25 Snow Week Uptowner I showed up around 5:10 to scope the AO for ice and do final prep for workout, then back to the flag for 5:29. 5:30 Disclaimer then off to the rock pile for warming up. Had a few stragglers join us along the way. Warm-a-Rama: Abe …

Grants Tomb – from Akbar

Mild, foggy gloom this Saturday as 10 took the red pill for Grants Tomb. In honor of Ulysses S. Grant, our 18th president who adorns the $50 bill, we would mosey around doing 50 reps up and down the Lakefront. Fun Fact: Grant was invited to Ford’s Theater by President …

Have a Magical Day. And the Horse You Rode in On. – from America’s Best

The man was struggling to breathe. The grimace on his face betrayed him– he was pushing his body to the limits of extreme exertion. His heart raced. His muscles strained. His crocs almost fell off. Seemingly defying the limits not only of his own physical ability, but of physics itself, …