F3 New Orleans

Post Holiday Purge

Pre Thang:  Still waiting on that rainy workout… not today.  Thought we might have a few more PAX, but seven strong men set out for #wolfpackmountain at 05:30 to celebrate the new year. The Thang:  Mosey out and around to front yard of TU for warmup COP: SSH x 30, …

Awesome not Awkward

Posted on behalf of Mr. Awesome by Roots: Pre Thang:  Cold and breezy in the gloom with seven PAX ready to bust a gut on the last day of the year. The Thang:  follow the leader mosey to the corner for the first COP with the 20lb sack – remind …

The VQ went DQ at the COP…

Posted on behalf of Amnesty by Roots Pre Thang: Started with Amnesty, “Napoleon” (yep he does exist), Tundra and Zombie. The Thang:  Mosey to museum for  warmup COP COP:  SSH 25, Peter Parker Pushups 25, Toe touches cross overs (2 when Amnesty(VQ) pulled a hammy…the pop heard round the world).  Walked …

Rockin’ the Fog

Pre Thang Really Foggy this morning.  Made the gloom seem rather gloomy.  Definitely can’t complain about New Orleans winters though – perfect workout temps. The Thang Mosey to the T-ball field for Warm-up Warm-up COP: SSH x 32; Good Mornings x 20; Arm Circles (Forward x 20, Reverse x 20); Imperial …

Three wise men

Pre Thang: YHC pulled up at 05:20 to see Bad Moon arriving on foot and Tundra locking up his bike.  Looked like we might have a good turnout…  as we talked about our Christmas festivities the clock ticked on and at 05:30, we three took off into the #gloom. The …

The Rain Holds Off Again

The Thang Mosey out to the far end of the field for Warm-up Warm-up COP: SSH x 33; Good Mornings x 29; Merkins x 16; Imperial Walkers x 26; Low Slow Squats x 31; Alternating Shoulder Taps x 40 Mosey to the Rock Pile and select your rock Mosey with …