F3 New Orleans

“Back Workout…”

Pre-Thang Dirty Dozen unsacked to join us in the gloom at 0530 in the Birdcage (Audubon Park). At 0527 we had 6 or 7, Roots reassured us that they would come. Lo and behold, Rotts knows what he’s talkin about. FNG Yeungling posts courtesy of Reveille. The Thang Mosey round …

Boss Keane’s Rock Pile

Pre-Thang 8 PAX gathered in the moonlight gloom of the OM.  It was nice to pull up and see the Rev making his way out to the burbs and to see Chard pulling a Kotter. The Thang Gather at the track and mosey out near the tennis courts for our …

If you can take it…

Pre -Thang — A warm 60ish in the gloom today. Nine PAX, including one FNG, left the Shovel Flag and started to mosey. Picked up Bad Moon, who is now timing his approach perfectly, on the avenue for an even 10. The Thang — Early #mumblechatter — Looks like we’re …


11 Pax eventually stumbled in to drag a bag full of sand and blankets around the Birdcage (Audubon Park). Squats and planks abounded, not to be outdone by burpees, of course. Warm-up: 1/4 Mile run to edge of park. SSH x 20 Low Slow Squats x 15 BOYO x 5 Jumping Lunges …

Rockin’ it in the OM

  6 PAX gathered in the Ole’ Metairie gloom for the inaugural Metairie Monday workout.  December starts with temperatures in the mid-60s.  It’s tough livin’ in the OM. The Thang Gather at the track and mosey out near the tennis courts for our Warm-Up Warm-up COP: SSH x 30; Squats …

No Tad – No Problem

  The Tad was closed today (do they not realize F3 meets every Saturday?).  The 8 PAX that met in the glorious post-Holiday gloom had to go with the back-up plan, and as anyone that watched the 2001 Patriots can tell you – sometimes the backup works out. The Thang …

The Day After…

Pre-Thang: Cool, calm,  45 and not so gloomy due to the 7 o’clock start. At 6:55 wondering if it’s the late start or #fartsackcity as a result of the bountiful feasts from yesterday, but it was looking like a solo for YHC until the Rev and Bad Moon showed up with 2 …

Why So Many Sudden Changes?

11 NOLA PAX decided to post on this cool morning in beautiful Audubon Park. Not knowing exactly what was in store, Reluctant Yankee did a little recon once he saw a tweet from the Fort’s Crabcakes about “Sudden Change”. He was kind enough not to spoil the fun for the …