F3 New Orleans

Heed the Athenian Beatdown

Seven tried, true, and trusted warriors of our fine city banded together on this cool fall morning to prove that the “Spartans” had nothing on toughness or fitness.  They were joined in short order by a warrior from a foreign land (South Carolina) who quickly proved himself worthy of the …

Rave at the Tulane Sign

OK -a very cool fall morning with the promise of 90 temps this afternoon. 8 PAX posted at the St Charles entrance to Audubon A quick Mosey down the avenue then we circled up for the first COP in front of the Tulane sign. The street light was flickering on/off …

One Year Later

Pre-Thang:  YHC was  happy to be back out in the gloom after a couple of injuries and ready to take the Q on the F3 NOLA one year anny. Thirteen men showed up with time to spare and we hit the road to get better. The Thang:   Mosey around to …

In the Fog

A quiet affair, but with two FNGs. In honor of Columbus Day, I wanted some kind of swimming, but with no water in sight it was difficult. We had to make due with the wet fog hugging the cool grass, which felt great. The usual mosey to the rock pile: …

Spartan Training

Pre-Thang It was beautiful morning in the Gloom with temperatures right where they needed to be and low humidity.  After battling some slight tendonitis from Hawgcycle’s stupid idea of running 6 miles before last Saturday’s Backblast, YHC arose this AM ready to bring down the pain with minimal running to …

610 Stomp #8

As I walked up with 2 minutes to spare, I met up with Side Effects and Tool. Then Forrest pulled up in and truck and War Eagle came running up. A DISCLAIMER and we’re off. Didn’t take long and Side Effects was off to the races. No thoroughbreds to run …

Baseball and BLIMPS

Pre Thang 18 men gathered in the gloom on a beautiful October morning. The weather was perfect for an epic beatdown. Tito was ready to Q the first half, and he held nothing back. The Thang warm-up mosey to the end of the park (west) then turn around back to …