F3 New Orleans

Chili from Gentilly

It was  Bagasse’s VQ (that’s right, I’m going third person) with Roots closing it out. Welcome to FNG Chili. The PAX lacked creativity and resorted to rhyming for his name. Warm-Up: Mosey down St. Charles and over to Green Wave Lawn for a little COP: Unofficially ToeTouches x20, arm circles x20, …

Just Ruck It!

Another lovely morning to take a walk…so after Disclaimer, we step off with our rucks. We head to the first COP for a brisk warm-up. -30 x side straddle hops IC -30 x Imperial Walkers IC -30 x arm circles IC (15 each direction) -20 x LSS IC As we …

610 Stomp #2

With a cold front coming through, we had lower humidity, a nice breeze and temps around 80. Five men showed up for a lovely run through City Park. We planted the shovel-flag, gave a disclaimer and stepped off… Again, the plan was to run 6 minutes and walk a minute. …

I See Tundra

A lot of activity going on as YHC walked up to the flag.  Two FNGs and a Kotter from Tundra.  Tundra has been surviving (and teaching others how to survive) in Alaska.  He stopped by to get some F3 in on his way to a year long fellowship in Jordan.  …

Splishy Splashy

Pre-Thang Nice and muggy as always.  Reluctant Yankee rolled in hot wielding the flag with only 15 seconds to spare before the 5:30am mark according to Roots.  Hawgcycle apparently thinks Roots is all fancy with his exact time on the seconds. Warm-Up Mosey over to Wolfpack Lawn Stairs for a …

610 Stomp #1

Pleased to see the Boyz ‘n the Hood walking up as I was driving in.  We made a group decision to plant the flag near a water fountain and were off on the inaugural 610 stomp. The Thang 4.5  4.75 mile loop around city park.  Stop every 6 minutes to …