F3 New Orleans

610 Stomp #30

“A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.” – Jim Watkins Six men of NOLA, one man from Hartsville, SC (Tclaps Yankee of #WarZone), and YHC made up the Pax on this Tuesday gloom.  Lots of jargon being thrown around the flag as …

Iron Was Sharpened

It was a lovely Saturday morning and eleven men answered the call to get stronger. The best way to do that is to take on the Foundry. DISCLAIMER, let’s step… COP in front of the museum: -SSH x 30 IC -IW x 30 IC -Peter Parkers x 20 IC -Arm …

Pontiff goes down

I love the smell of sweat in the morning.  It smells like victory.  At least victory over those Metairites.    Not many fartsackers today and 4 FNG’s gave us a PAX of 15 as the time change reinstated full gloom.  (Instantly had to redesign some of the exercises – was …

Return of the Gloom

No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. Socrates Where has rosy-fingered dawn hidden herself today? With no answer and a …

Thunder Mountain

The bad weather that was expected all week finally decided to show up in full force at 5:26 a.m.  Schools were closed.  The roads were empty.  Yet five men appeared in the downpour, undeterred and ready to embrace the gloom. After a brief delay to avoid lightning, the PAX moseyed/waded …

Straight Dope

7 Warriors from Okwata will have an advantage over the common man today after taking a performance enhancing shot of HBH.  In the book Hurricane Season, J.T. Curtis attributes the river levee for some of his team’s remarkable success (26 State Titles in the last 41 years).  He believes that his …

610 Stomp #29

Sure, I’ll take the Q. DISCLAIMER. To break the usual routine, we started our run towards to museum, down the bayou and towards Banks Street. Crazy, I know! We started with 6 men eager to grow and improve themselves…get stronger, faster. As we reach the bayou, there was a flash …