F3 New Orleans

610 Stomp #18 – Remix

Outlined against a black-rainy December sky, the Four Horsemen rode again.  In dramatic lore they are known as Jingle Vader, Rudy, Tool, and Side Effects. These are only aliases, but their real names shall not be mentioned here. They formed the crest of the New Orleans F3 nation before which …

Roxanne Returns

8 pax posted for our workout. Welcome Sparky who cam out for the first time.  We had an all over workout with a bit of a focus on abs and legs. In honor of the force awakening we kicked off the first COP with imperial walkers x25, then side straddle …

The Hurt!

Considering we have a CSAUP event this evening, I thought we’d have low numbers this morning. 21 men showed up to get stronger. After a quick Disclaimer, we moseyed to the first COP: SSH x 30 IC IW x 30 IC Arm Circles x 30 IC (15 each direction) J-Lo’s …

610 Stomp #18

Six men showed up on a chilly Tuesday morning. “Hey Hotty Totty, where’s Shorty….?” The Q, Osha, stated the disclaimer, “I’m not a professional trainer, even though I look like one…” At 0530 we were off. As expected, Mr. Awesome took off like he was looking for a restroom…and I …

Simple Men

“Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci YHC had the Clown-Car today, so I knew we would have a record showing at Rock City.  13 dedicated men showed up today for the downPAINment in the Monday gloom.  There is nothing more simple that lifting/throwing rocks around.. it’s …

Double Your Pleasure

Seven men and an obscene number of ducks gathered in Audubon Park. The ducks gathered to eat and poop, the men gathered to exercise. A short mosey to the bandstand. After the customary check for sleeping homeless people came back all clear, the PAX gathered for a warm-up COP. SSH x 20, …


On the Feast of OLG in mild New Orleans December morning in the gloom, 19 Pax, including 2 FNG, began with moseyed to the museum for warm-ups. SSH x 40; IW x 30; Peter Parker x 15; PlankJack x 15; Parker Peter x 15; Arm Circle x 40 one-way and …

Double Indian Runs

Pre-Thang It’s December and the temperature at 5:30am is hovering around the low to mid 50’s.  It was time to break out a long sleeve shirt today.  Shorty showed up decked out in full sweats and explained how he doesn’t do cold very well.  Somehow he just doesn’t sweat…must be …