F3 New Orleans

The Bar Has Been Set

T-claps to Jingle Vader who saw his NOLA record of 17 straight posts come to an end at Okwata this morning.  Rumor has it he is out of town.  I would also like to note that, although not nearly as impressive, YHC’s streak of 10 straight fartsacks also came to an …

Two will do

I thought Monday was lonely, but then there was this morning. Thanks, Tool, for not making me a PAX o’ one. A cool, crisp morning with not a single other person in sight. A ghost town in City Park, not a single car passed us along the Bayou. A steady …

Lonely Lundi Gras

So where is everybody, and who’s our Q today? Don’t know; maybe, we’ll all have to pitch in. What time is it? Don’t know; lemme get a phone. Isn’t JV’s Q? What!!?? Oh yeah. With a bit of confusion, and confirming he is not a professional trainer, your Q led …

Super Gloom

Pre-Thang The fog was so bad this morning you could barely see where your feet were landing with each step.  This was a super gloom kind of a morning right out of a horror film.  After a weekend of parades and over indulging, YHC set out feeling a bit hazy …

Back To The Mountain

Pre- Thang: It’s been a while since YHC had the Q at Wolfpack Mountain.  It was nice to be there on this clear cool morning to get better.  At 5:30, nine of us hit the road… The Thang:  Mosey out and around on St. Charles, then straight to the mountain with …

Animal Parade

“To be is to do.” – Immanuel Kant A mere 48º F in NOLA, but the breeze off the lake made it truly gloomy.  In fact, the Pax was caught on camera at the start: Seven men from F3NOLA and one man from F3Hickory made up the valiant Pax at …