F3 New Orleans

610 Stomp #40

“The only place Success comes before Work is in the dictionary.” – Vince Lombardi Seven (one more to come later on) legendary men gathered in the gloom for the 610 Stomp.  I wanted to continue the trend of sprint work with this one, so YHC took a page out of the …

Rootin and Tootin

Four men, gloom, a flag and a shovel. Notable: Toots wasn’t late, and Chewy arrived with shoes on, although not tied. Baby steps. This was Toots inaugural Q. Hats off, almost a smoke fest. Started off with some mumble chatter about something. Then Toots shut it down promptly to begin …

Down and Dirty at the Skinny

Twelve men arrived in the gloom completely unprepared for the hazards that would await them at the Skinny.   After listening to Woop proudly explain the origin of his F3 name, the PAX took off counterclockwise down the jogging path. Stopping right in the middle of some stickers sharp as razor blades, …

Serving Up Kim Chi

Kim Chi began with his VQ disclaimer, and then moseyed to great lawn All IC 22x Arm Circles 22x Reverse Arm Circles 20x Imperial Walker 20x Side straddle hopps Moseyed to flower bed by sculpture garden 10 x Box Jump straight into 10x Dips 5x Box Jump straight into 5x …

New Orleans East?

A few brave PAX in a Clown Car made a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic with their daffodils (and 28 other high school seniors and 26 other dads). Veni, vidi, post. YHC arrived late (I think after just 7 or 8 arm …

Okwata Just Got Real

Good things happened at Okwata on Thursday am. It started a bit earlier than usual when YHC and Shorty got out there at 5am to install the pull up bars on the picnic shelter that we had previously decided would suit our needs. Okwata is a great site but that …

Pair Up

Pre-Thang After a torrential pour down through the evening, it was time to get sloppy.  F3 is rain or shine, beeh-beh (New Orleans tongue for saying, “Baby”).  Luckily, the rain brought a crisp coolness to combat the humidity.  The PAX set out to become better men in the dampness. Warm-Up …