F3 New Orleans


There’s Pokeman GO and then there’s Frogger.  YHC doesn’t understand and is too old for Pokeman GO yet remembers Frogger fondly.  The Covington PAX, five strong including one FNG, engaged in their own version of Frogger this morning.  Nacho Libre was conspicuously absent.  Last week’s admonition to “bring your running …

Beachy Murph

Six F3 veterans surfaced for the 1st portion of an F3 2-a-day in City Park, a light showing but understandable considering the fierce competition expected this evening.  Thinking it was a little late to improve “The World’s” long distance running for the CSUP this evening, YHC set his eyes on …

610 Stomp #48

“Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.” – Chinese proverb 10 men gathered in the gloom this morning.  Great turnout! DISCLAIMER Tha Thang 6 minute run, 1 minute burpees/walk/recover/etc.  Our destination was the highest point in NOLA, which Tool is the only one who knows it by name… we will call …

Rockin’ the Core

On humid rock city Monday morning, 9 pax started their week right. After disclaimer, we moseyed to the pile… Warm-Up COP All IC SSH x 35 Windmill x 20 IW x 20 Plank Jack x 20 Peter Parker x 20; Parker Peter x 20; Nolan Ryan x 10 each side …

Three Legged Fonda

Ei and Chewy found last minute babysitters to accommodate the wives’ crazy work schedules, rendering their attendance at today’s workout possible.  Noshow Libre showed up late; Chewy subsequently dubbed him Lateshow Libre, which is, if you think about it, a bit ironic (see previous Northshore posts regarding Chewy’s punctuality/shoe/sock issues). …

The Real Uptowner

Pre Thang: Twelve F3 vets met in the gloom for the inaugural “real uptowner”. It’s not that we’re snobs, there is just plenty for us to do so close to home. We welcome “the world” with open arms! After the disclaimer we were off on a few short moseys and …