F3 New Orleans

Low Slow & Hold

Pre-Thang YHC called out by Yankee that only appearances are when Q’ing.  Guess there’s more Splash Q’ing in the future.  The normal flag staking was blocked off due to track repaving in the park.  Heat wasn’t so bad but humidity was right on up there. Warm-Up Mosey around street car …

Plyometrics in the Rain

One nice thing about the Covington AO is that it has a number of covered spaces, among them the Justice Center Parking Garage.  The PAX choose to do their work mostly in the rain this morning, however.  The rain felt great.  It was a very welcome break from the heat …

Rock City Circuits

10 nola men eager to get their week started on a good note, gathered in the gloom of rock city. YHC got a call last night to cover Shortys Q because he had to go to work early or some other silly excuse. YHC obliged and immediately thought of a …

Location Roulette

Lagoon (warm-up):  SSH, Arm Rotation, Imperial Walkers, Mountain Climbers, Pool Ups (Thanks Nip/Tuck) Octagon: (4) Groups of 2 (OYO): (10) Merkins lead, Squats, Inverted Merkins, Lung-in-Place Labyrinth: Russian Twist (yes living in the past), Planks (hand to elbows), The Real Freddie Mercury, Staggered Merkins, Hello Dolly Zoo: Dips, Decline Merkins, …

Return of the Deck

12 PAX posted on Saturday morning at the mothership for a classic f3 beatdown where the deck of death claimed its rightful place in f3 lore. Tclaps to Mav for leading 2 FNGs to the fold. Here’s… The Thang Pax moseyed to the neutral ground on the road in front …

Not Yoga

Seven F3 vets, hungry for a morning burn set out into the steamy gloom at 05:30 after a brief disclaimer. The Thang: Mosey to Touch Down Jesus for warm up. SSH and Hip Slappers x 25, Imp Walkers and Mtn Climbers x 30 all in cadence. Mosey to the LU …