We met at Abita Trailhead and worked out for a while. All 3 of us Q’d. Nacho slept for one of the laps around the park. it was awesome. 0
We met at Abita Trailhead and worked out for a while. All 3 of us Q’d. Nacho slept for one of the laps around the park. it was awesome. 0
Pre-Thang: Twelve men trickled into the birdcage and promptly took off at 05:30 after the disclaimer and 10 quick Burpees. The Thang: Mosey around to golf club house and over to the lawn by the bandstand for a warmup COP: SSH x 25, Imp. Walker x 25, Hillbilly x 25, …
YHC arrived this morning to Amnesty complaining about his soreness from Monday and self-proclaiming BS for his own Q. I knew at this point that we couldn’t mess around this morning. I can’t have him self-proclaiming BS for his own Q and mocking mine. Best to try and keep him …
Boogie and I arrived a good 15 minutes early to watch the silent light show in the sky. The tomatoes for the other 5:30 “boot camp” rolled in and rolled out. Evidently tomatoes fear “heat lightning”. According to this Link “heat lightning” is a term only used in the …
Three veterans (and by veterans YHC means old-the average age was well into the 90s) F3ers crawled out of their fartsacks this morning, left their wives, 23 children, and 14 dogs at home to fend for themselves, and posted in the thunder and lightening at the Covington Trailhead. Where were …
Hundreds of people converged on City Park this am to sharpen their bodies and minds by running through the scenic oak tree lined roads, utilizing the great outdoors gyms, and taking advantage of the pro-grade practice track. The only problem was only two of those individuals were F3 gloomers. So …
With our scheduled Q Tinkles still on the mend, YHC decided to repeat most of Saturday’s workout. A brief disclaimer then we moseyed to the lights for the first COP: SSH x20, MC X20, IW x15, PP x20, Hillbillies x20, Parker Peter x20 & Seal Jacks x20 After the warm-up we …
“Add sour cream to anything and it makes it Supreme”-Tool (or con frijoles-Hawg) After Disclaimer, let’s mosey to the Warm-up COP…oh look, here comes Hawg. Warm-COP: -SSH x 30 IC -IW x 30 IC -PP x 20 IC -Arm Circles x 30 IC (15 each dir) -J-Lo’s x 20 IC …
Seven PAX posted on an extremely hot morning. Lots of stops at the water fountain were needed along with an “Uptown” beat-down on YHC’s Saturday VQ. Disclaimer then moseyed to the great lawn: SSH x25, MC X20, IW x20, PP x20, Hillbillies x20, Parker Peter x20 & Seal Jacks x25 After the …
At 5:30 it was looking like a PAX of two but then out of the darkness a few more trickled in hot to bring the count to six. Good to see HVAC back this week, especially since there was the notion he might be one-and-done after Hawg’s yoga workout last …