F3 New Orleans


We met at Abita Trailhead and worked out for a while.  All 3 of us Q’d.  Nacho slept for one of the laps around the park.  it was awesome. 0

No Frills, Just Sweat…

Pre-Thang: Twelve men trickled into the birdcage and promptly took off at 05:30 after the disclaimer and 10 quick Burpees. The Thang: Mosey around to golf club house and over to the lawn by the bandstand for a warmup COP: SSH x 25, Imp. Walker x 25, Hillbilly x 25, …

The H8 Debuts

YHC arrived this morning to Amnesty complaining about his soreness from Monday and self-proclaiming BS for his own Q.  I knew at this point that we couldn’t mess around this morning.  I can’t have him self-proclaiming BS for his own Q and mocking mine.  Best to try and keep him …

Don’t Bring Me Down

With our scheduled Q Tinkles still on the mend, YHC decided to repeat most of Saturday’s workout. A brief disclaimer then we moseyed to the lights for the first COP: SSH x20, MC X20, IW x15, PP x20, Hillbillies x20, Parker Peter x20 & Seal Jacks x20 After the warm-up we …

Rock City Supreme

“Add sour cream to anything and it makes it Supreme”-Tool (or con frijoles-Hawg) After Disclaimer, let’s mosey to the Warm-up COP…oh look, here comes Hawg. Warm-COP: -SSH x 30 IC -IW x 30 IC -PP x 20 IC -Arm Circles x 30 IC (15 each dir) -J-Lo’s x 20 IC …

Up, Down Then Drink

Seven PAX posted on an extremely hot morning. Lots of stops at the water fountain were needed along with an “Uptown” beat-down on YHC’s Saturday VQ. Disclaimer then moseyed to the great lawn: SSH x25, MC X20, IW x20, PP x20, Hillbillies x20, Parker Peter x20 & Seal Jacks x25 After the …

Old Metry Manliness

At 5:30 it was looking like a PAX of two but then out of the darkness a few more trickled in hot to bring the count to six.  Good to see HVAC back this week, especially since there was the notion he might be one-and-done after Hawg’s yoga workout last …