F3 New Orleans

Balance – from Charmin

The theme of this week for YCH is Balance. When YHC arrived slightly behind Vagabond, in an effort to make small talk, asked him if he was stretching, and was met with a reply of “Nope, just getting all my farts out.” There was the normal mix of runners and …

Marsh Moonset – from Akbar

The Spring Tease ended with another cool front, which was welcome to the Pax this brisk gloom. The past two Mondays have been difficult for YHC, since the Lakefront beatdowns have been brutal. Mondays plan was to take it easy on Chest, Legs, and Abs, but Shoulders hurt too – …

9: For/19 – from Bolt

YHC pre-blasted a call for HC the night before as the plan was developing to gauge headcount and in true F3NOLA fashion there’s was minimal response so it was pleasantly surprising to see the mid-field circle grow to 10 pax as the warmorama began with our much beloved theme song …