F3 New Orleans

Area 51

“The only easy day was yesterday.”  U.S. Navy SEALs Beautiful morning on the Mandeville Lakefront.  3 loyal PAX joined YHC for a cosmic beatdown on his 51st birthday.  After a round of 51 second four position plank holds, the PAX headed East towards the rising sun for an extended mosey …

Better Sore Than Sorry

“Sweat is just fat crying”  -DaParish Five brave souls converged on the northwest corner of Pontiff this am for another no-run workout with hopes of seeing plenty “tears of fat” aka sweat.  YHC’s mission today was to try a few new things while digging deep to push the PAX through …

11’s + Levee = :-(

YHC posted just in time on a dark Thursday morning at Okwata. A good group of 9 PAX posted including a blast from the past in Triple Shift. In true Triple Shift fashion, he didn’t just post for his first time in over a year. He also brought two FNGs …

The Prodigal Son

With the threat of an intense thunderstorm approaching, seven men gathered around an actual shovel-flag…thanks Bubba! DISCLAIMER, let’s mosey. In a field close to the Baby Foundry (aka: Refinery), circle up for the Warm-up COP: -SSH x 30 IC….Oh, looked who showed up…the Prodigal Son! Welcome Back Shorty! -IW x …

610 Stomp #56

Good turnout today at the 56th running of the 610 Stomp with 6 participants.  We went traditional today – Bayou route, 6 minutes on / 1 minute off with burpees during the “recovery.”  YHC gave the disclaimer, but didn’t take the time to explain where we were going to Da …

Full Court Press

5 pax met this morning for a pretty decent workout. Taking a short jaunt to Livingston Playground, approximately 1/4 mile from the AO. They arrived at a poorly lit basketball court to perform the following: Warm -up: SSH x 20 IC Half court sprints: down back down followed by: x …

A first at The Skinny

“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise.” – Oscar Wilde YHC has never been to The Skinny, and I’ve always wondered how it was compared to Rock City….I mean, we throw rocks around!  The Skinny does hold its own, and glad to get my first …