F3 New Orleans

The Plight of the Native American….or a few guys that like to wake up really early, work out, and complain about it.

We started off with a brief mosey across the street for warm ups… SSH X 30 Plank Jacks X 20 PP X 20 Arm Circles X 15 Forward/15 Back Windmills X 15 Good Mornings X 15 Route 66 – Monkey Humpers, starting at 1, increasing by 1 at each bench …

2017 Maltz Challenge

YHC has been advocating for awareness of our armed forces for nearly as long as I have been able to breathe. That has even been paired with F3 when I launched REDFriday here in Greenwood and shared my passion for it with groups in MECA and Mint Hill. We even …

Push It Real Good

“Push it, push it real good”  -Salt-N-Pepa Eight men of the F3 Nola PAX can now have that extra slice of king cake this week.  Why, you ask?  Cause we “pushed it real good” this morning during our usual Tuesday running workout.  YHC was on the lineup to lead and …


Ran my first Q in 2017, (hope to do more) PAX in attendance: Marlin, Amnesty, Tool, Rudy, Jingle Vader, Bogey, Bubba, Cowbell, Tinker, Kim-Chi, Maverick, Duct Tape, Hawgcycle My weekly visit with my F3 Nation men was chilly, but we got started with a quick TABATA of 8 warmup drills …

Saturday…in the park

Another Saturday in the park. 18 PAX posted for a beatdown and I was determined to minimize the mumblechatter and get to work with quick transitions. Disclaimer than we moseyed to the Great Lawn. No time for chatter – straight into SSH x 20, IMp Walker Squats x 20, Cross …

Take the Con!

It is winter again (sort of) on the Northshore, and the four PAX who showed up early in order to get their run on in preparation for the upcoming Tough Mudder were shedding layers faster than Bourbon Street entertainers when they returned to the shovel flag for the official start …

Muscle Wednesday

We worked to shake off the No Burpee Monday stigma to my Q but alas it was not Monday and burpees were on the agenda.  Strong cardio was not as we focused on muscle groups. I’m writing this sore from head to toe two days later. This is how it …


“The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender” – Anonymous Finally, the feeling of winter has returned!  One thing about the Uptowner is that it is not in view of any parking lots.  Due to this, you can find the Pax gathering around the flag in all sorts of …