F3 New Orleans

Almost Famous…

Pre-Thang: Unbeknownst to the pax that showed up 19 strong, YHC got the word Thursday evening that our roving reporter would not be posting with us in the gloom, so the spectacular beat down planned was put on the shelf and we did this instead… The Thang: Mosey over and …

Gone with the Wind

One of the worst things about posting at Okwata is well the wind is wild at times. The PAX that made an appearance did not need a heated cozy pool or wanted to workout with a local news website reporter asking annoying questions. The six that showed up just wanted …

The Show Must Go On

Thanks to an APB from the New Orleans F3 Director of Media Communications and General Supplier of All New Orleans F3 News You Need to Know, Reluctant Yankee, the QIC was informed on Q eve of a special guest at The Birdcage this morning.  Apparently it has been leaked to …

Werkin on Merkins

A PAX of 11 strong gathered around the flag on a perfect warm February morning… to conquer 300 merks and maybe some other stuff too. After a quick disclaimer and looking around for Hawg & Rudy, we were off… Did the Bogey special and moseyed across the street to the …