F3 New Orleans

Fishing Rodeo Fitness

This day at the Mothership in New Orleans marked the annual City Park Fishing Rodeo. Tool wisely informed the PAX that this event is the oldest fresh-water fishing rodeo in the country. Tool routinely crashed this event every year as a boy, and got caught every year by the same …

FNG Friday Funday

16 Pax showed up this morning for a fun filled workout. Warm up: SSH x25 Hillbilly x15 Imp Walker x15 Smurf Jack x15 Peter Parker x20   Mosey to TD Jesus: Partner up – bear crawl to TD Jesus, crabwalk back, while partner is doing Burpees. Repeat doing monkey humpers …

Sudden Change

As of yesterday, no one had signed up to Q this morning’s Foundry.  So Amnesty, being the responsible Site Q he is, was going to take it.  Dreading some Foundry version of Spartacus, I texted him late last night to ask if I could take it.  I rolled in hot …

A Wednesday Tradition

“To know nothing of what happened before you were born, is to forever remain a child.” – Cicero Before there was Lafitte’s Plunge, Okwata, or The Foundry; there was The Birdcage: F3NOLA’s original Wednesday beatdown.  YHC loves a good tradition!  It’s always good to go back to the basics every once …